Your weekly horoscope for this week.
Digital Desk: Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): The more focused you are on your goals, the higher your chance of victory and success in this period. Minimise distractions and time wasters and do what needs to be done. Support will come by way of a powerful and influential man. And your best bet would be to show your loyalty and commitment to getting the work done.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): When you are peaceful, the world appears to be a better place. Inner peace will become a
top priority for you in the days ahead. You may try to defuse tension at the workplace. Or avoid a situation that has the potential to turn into a conflict. A neutral approach in office politics helps.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): If you want to change, start with your daily habits. There’s a strong need for adventure coming through and you may either plan or do something quite innovative. At work, you may not want to take the tried and tested route. Geminis in creative fields especially Design and R&D, can advance in the days ahead. An important family decision may be stalled. Or you may be waiting for answers from a loved one.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): It’s all about attitude. Things work out best when you make the best of your current
situation. Release expectations from others now. Some of them may be too busy to help and some don’t care. A flexible approach goes a long way especially for those seeking professional change. A compromise may be necessary when it comes to negotiations.
Leo (July 23-Aug 22): Release the need to be constantly doing something. Stop putting so much pressure on
yourself to perform and be productive. Learn to take breaks. And just be in the present moment. If you’ve been overworked lately, watch out for signs of burnout. Spend more time caring for your needs and your health. New friendships and connections are seen in this phase.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Don’t believe your negative thoughts. And don’t allow doubt to stop you from taking the path you should. Self sabotage may be preventing you from growing. Learn from recent mistakes and step back into your power. There may be a few critics you have to contend with in your professional and personal life, but remember
to believe what they are saying only if it resonates with you.
Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Do things a little differently. The routine you’ve got used to is not helping you grow. Try looking for advice from those in other generations or cultures. Travelling in this period would be wonderful for your mind. Professionally, there may be international collaborations or a lot of discussions with overseas customers and colleagues. On the personal front, you may choose to let go of a habit in the days to come.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21):Be a little more optimistic. Have faith that the universe will provide and release negatives like the idea that you must continually work to be worthy of anything good. Someone in the team wants you to trust them more and stop controlling things the way you do. Give more freedom to others both professionally and in
your personal life. You may seek out some new experiences.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Courage and leadership will be required of you. Take charge, take ownership and start
being a little more assertive now. You may be seen as someone who works hard but may need to prove yourself worthy of a promotion. An important document may be misplaced or may cause temporary stress until it’s found or the matter sorted.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): Count your blessings. Appreciate the little things. You may be living someone else’s
dream life. Take nothing and no one for granted right now. And if you find it hard to praise others, this week allows you to be more generous with your words, praise and gifts. The more you give the more you will receive in terms of karmic blessings. Women may play games with you.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): The comfort zone is not where you belong. Time to step out and take a few risks, try a few different things and stop allowing mundane matters to get to you. A transformative period begins in your life, but first you need to change the inner dialogue and start believing you can and do deserve much better. Personally, there may be power struggles with a dominating soul.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Hold yourself. Be a little more private. Don’t tell your next move before it happens. Let your actions speak for themselves. Promises made need to be honoured if you want to earn the respect of your team and your bosses. Even in your personal life, you may make plans for your growth. You could sign up for a
new hobby or class.
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