Gauhati University is preparing to implement NEP 2020-based courses in the Academic Session 2023–24, beginning from August 2023... Digital Desk: Ga...
Several NEET 2023 candidates have recently took to Twitter to demand the postponement of the exam by a few weeks.Digital Desk: The National Testing Ag...
The Assam Special TET 2022 is scheduled to take place on April 30, 2023. There will be two papers: paper 1 and paper 2. Digital Desk: The admit c...
The APSC CCE Mains examination, the date of which will shortly be announced, is now open to applicants who passed the preliminary exam.Digital Desk: T...
The CBSE has announced modifications to its assessment scheme for the CBSE... Digital Desk: The CBSE has announced modifications to its assessment sc...
As per Education Ministry officials, a new National Education Policy (NEP) will be implemented in schools beginning with...Digital Desk: Education Min...
The selection is based on meeting the eligibility requirements, ranking in the merit list, medical fitness, original document verification, and any ot...
Candidates appearing for the APSC examination should download their hall ticket from the link given on the official website... Digital Desk: The ...