The actor was reportedly called after Kathiresan filed a complaint alleging that the actor had submitted fake paternity test documents and requested a police investigation.
Digital Desk: The Madras High Court has reportedly summoned actor Dhanush in connection with a case in which a couple alleges that he is their son. Reportedly, Kathiresan and his wife Meenakshi have claimed that the actor is their third son. The case has been continuing for several years; however, no decision has been reached till now.
The actor was reportedly called after Kathiresan filed a complaint alleging that the actor had submitted fake paternity test documents and requested a police investigation.
Sources quoted that Kathiresan, who claims to be Dhanush's biological father, has filed an appeal with the court, requesting the court to overturn a judgement issued in 2020 dismissing the case since there were no supporting documents to prove that the paternity documents were fabricated.
Reportedly, the Madras High Court has issued a notice against actor Dhanush in this case after Kathiresan's plea was denied by the Madurai High Court bench.
Danush's alleged biological parents claimed that he is their third child and has left his hometown to seek a career in the film industry in Chennai. The couple reportedly demanded Rs 65,000 monthly compensation from Dhanush, alleging to be his parents. For years, the case has been pending in court. According to reports, Dhanush has refuted the couple's charges in court.
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