• Cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are increasing: Foods that shield the liver

    Cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are increasing: Foods that shield the liver

    Excessive eating, according to the study, is the primary cause of fatty liver. When the liver is unable to break down fats normally, it retains them within it, causing the condition to become harmful. color:black">

    color:black">Digital Desk: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of
    the many lifestyle disorders that impact millions of people throughout the

    color:black">This lifestyle disease, which affects approximately 25 to 30% of
    the world's population, has a high prevalence in India, with nearly 40%
    impacted by NAFLD.

    What exactly
    is NAFLD?

    NAFLD is a condition in
    which excessive amounts of fat develop in the liver as a result of numerous
    lifestyle practices. If the disease is untreated for an extended length of
    time, it can cause liver damage or liver cirrhosis (a scarred and permanently
    damaged liver).

    color:black">Jaundice (a yellowish discoloration of the eyes and skin), itchy
    skin, abdominal edoema (like fluid inside the stomach), swelling of the feet,
    and anorexia are all symptoms of a fatty liver.

    color:black">According to Dr. Bhushan Bhole, Senior Consultant of Liver
    Transplant and GI Surgery at PSRI Hospital, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
    patients are increasing rapidly in India.

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    According to research
    published in the National Library of Medicine, about one in every three adults
    or children in India would develop NAFLD by 2022.

    color:black">Fatty liver, also known as metabolic-associated fatty liver
    disease (or MAFLD), is a substantial risk factor for cardiovascular disease,
    type 2 diabetes, and a prevalent kind of liver cancer, according to a recent study
    presented at ENDO 2023, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Chicago, III.

    Excessive eating,
    according to the study, is the primary cause of fatty liver. When the liver is
    unable to break down fats normally, it retains them within it, causing the
    condition to become harmful.

    How to protect yourself
    from fatty liver disease?

    foods and carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation." Avoid it if
    your normal diet includes a lot of fried foods with a lot of oil or that are
    high in carbs," said Dr. Bhushan Bhole.

    color:black">A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, according to the specialist,
    is recommended for a healthy liver. "A high-fibre diet can reduce the
    incidence of liver disease because it promotes a healthy gut microbiota and
    lowers calorie intake," Dr. Bhole explained.

    Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, a
    hepatologist, posted on Twitter that low calorie diet drinks can help you lose
    weight more than fruit juices. Unsweetened black coffee or tea are better for
    the liver.

    Aside from that, according
    to a 2021 study, a daily cup of black coffee without sugar can protect your
    liver from NAFLD. Caffeine appears to reduce the amount of aberrant liver
    enzymes, thereby increasing the risk of fatty liver disease.