• The 'needle-free' inhalable COVID-19 vaccine from China tastes like milk tea

    The 'needle-free' inhalable COVID-19 vaccine from China tastes like milk tea

    Desk: On October 26, Shanghai starts supplying an inhalable COVID-19
    vaccination, which seems to be a first in the world. According to a post on
    an official city social media account, a free booster dose of the vaccine,
    which is a mist that is breathed in through the lips, is being made accessible
    to those who have already been inoculated.

    Before loosening tight pandemic
    restrictions that are slowing the economy and pulling China further away from
    the rest of the world, China wants more people to get vaccinated. By
    mid-October, 90% of Chinese people had completed their vaccinations, with 57%
    receiving a booster dose.


    Such "needle-free" vaccines are expected to increase
    vaccination rates in countries with weak health systems because they are easier
    to administer. They may also persuade those who dislike being injected in the
    arm to get immunized.


     A vaccine administered as a mist, according to Dr. Vineeta
    Bal, may stop the virus before it spreads to the rest of the respiratory
    system. However, the size of the droplets would play a role in this. The Indian
    immunologist believes that larger droplets would train defenses in the mouth
    and neck, while smaller ones would penetrate deeper into the body.