• Diabetes: 5 Major Health Problems Caused By High Blood Sugar Levels

    Diabetes: 5 Major Health Problems Caused By High Blood Sugar Levels

    Not only adults but also a large number of children, have abnormal blood sugar levels due to a variety of factors such as...

    Digital Desk: A high level of glucose in the blood is called diabetes. It is a silent killer since it causes lethal complications that are irreversible. Not just adults, but also a large number of youngsters, are known to have abnormal blood sugar levels owing to various factors such as stress, a lack of physical activity, and family history. Diabetes can take a toll on each and every part of the body. If not treated at the appropriate time, it will increase one's risk for health issues that could be fatal. In the following article, we will discuss the various health risks associated with diabetes as well as how to keep blood sugar levels within the recommended range. Follow the tips provided in this article, and we are sure that you will be able to improve your quality of life.


    5 Serious Health Issues Caused by High Blood Sugar Levels:

    1. Foot problems: Diabetes foot problems can significantly increase the risk of amputation if left untreated. Diabetes patients frequently develop foot ulcers. If you have any untreated foot ulcers, it is best to go to your doctor.


    2. Eye problems: Some persons with high blood sugar levels develop diabetic retinopathy, which can impair their vision and ultimately cause blindness.  It is better to go for regular eye checkups to avoid any potential complications.


    3. Heart attack and stroke: When one is detected with diabetes, high blood sugar for a period will take a toll on one’s blood vessels. This increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.


    4. Kidney problems: Long-term uncontrolled diabetes can harm your kidneys. It can make it more difficult to eliminate excess fluid and waste from your body. As a result, kidney failure may occur, and dialysis may be required.



    5. Sexual problems: Are you diabetic? Then just be sure to keep everything under control. This is so because damage to blood vessels and nerves tends to restrict the amount of blood flow to the sexual organs, resulting in decreased sensation. Urinary tract infections can be caused by high blood sugar levels.

    It is important for people with diabetes to take their medications on time, monitor their blood sugar levels on a regular basis, eat a well-balanced diet, avoid stress, maintain a healthy weight, and get regular health check-ups.