• Recover from flu and build immunity with these sample diets

    Recover from flu and build immunity with these sample diets

    Digital Desk: Amidst covid and its increasing variant infections, many people are experiencing flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, and cold. Seasonal variations, as well as insufficient meal times, could be to fault. While appropriate rest and medication are required to recover from flu, nutrition plays a critical part in the recovery process. So, according to specialists, now is the time to eat well and mindfully to reclaim your health as well as build and boost immunity to ward off future ailments.

    Here are two sample diets that can help you recover from flu and build your immunity over a long time.

    Here’s the sample diet plan.

    On waking up

    Ginger, black pepper and jaggery tea with a handful of soaked nuts (5 almonds, 1 fig, 3-4 raisins)


    Eggs and toast or one panner paratha, one cup tulsi adrak masala chai

    Mid meal

    Apple (Sprinkle seed mix on top)


    • Homemade chicken curry or dal
    • sabzi of choice
    • Roti with ghee


    Vegetable soup or bone broth soup


    Indian seasonal cooked vegetables, grilled chicken, grilled fish, paneer or tofu, brown rice

    Post dinner

    Ajwain water

    Another very effective sample diet plan to ward off flu and build immunity is here-

    Morning on waking up

    • Lukewarm water + lime
    • Followed by-Green veg smoothie (can add a high fiber fruit like apple or orange to naturally sweeten the smoothie instead of sugar) can add a teaspoon of camu camu powder rich in vitamin C (antioxidant) to help with immunity.


    • A combination of complex carb + protein with good fats work the best for stabilizing blood sugar levels
    • Brown rice poha/moong dal chilla with eggs/ protein supplement ( vegan or milk protein- subjective to gut tolerance) or
    • Almond bread/jowar bread with eggs or vegetable sandwich or
    • Quinoa upma with eggs


    Can add a high fibre fruit like apple, orange, papaya and a teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil + pinch black pepper + pinch turmeric powder (made as a paste)

    Also Read: GMCH superintendent Abhijit Sarma conveys concern upon rising number of Covid-19 cases


    • Experiment with cinnamon water or apple cider vinegar in lukewarm water
    • Start with soup or salad with some whole grains (rich in fibre) such as jowar/rajgira/brown rice with dal/pulse along with fibre – green veggies
    • Add 1-2 tablespoon fermented veggies like carrots, cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower (these are loaded with beneficial bacteria)

    As per nutritionists, the fibre is the food for the gut bacteria that helps to make immune building compounds, certain vitamins and helps to lower inflammation.

    Evening snack

    Protein like eggs/paneer/protein supplements along with salad and/or healthy nuts such as almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts

    Salads can be sprouts/nut salad/avocado salad/chana salad


    Soup, vegetables with a portion of complete protein such as eggs/chicken with brown rice/quinoa

    Post dinner ¨

    Chamomile Tea


    • Can indulge in chia water, turmeric+ pepper + ginger herbal tea, lime water, basil water- all help with immunity besides plain water and infused water with
    •  fruits and salads

    Cut out

    -processed or packaged foods



     -dairy ( on tolerance)


     -Limit alcohol

     -Avoid excess consumption of anti-inflammatory pills and antibiotics

    Follow diet sample like these to lead a healthy life as well as keep yourself immuned from various illnesses.