In literature, which is mostly a reflection of life, symbolism takes on great importance. Rhetorical devices like metaphors rely heavily on symbolism to augment and adorn the style.
Digital Desk: The importance of symbols is beyond words.
In fact, what cannot be verbalised, or explained through words in its depth and richness of significance, is often portrayed through symbols.
In literature, which is mostly a reflection of life, symbolism takes on great importance. Rhetorical devices like metaphors rely heavily on symbolism to augment and adorn the style.
Spirituality speaks of life itself as a metaphor. As Indians we are all too familiar with the concept of life, with all its appendages, being but a metaphorical experience of the Reality- ‘Maya’- which is beyond most of us in our earthly avatars.
Speaking about the Trinity of Godhood in the Indian context as The Creator, Preserver and Destroyer- the symbolical underpinnings are all too apparent.
Today I heard an IITian-turned-asceticcorrelate these three concepts with the three main states of consciousness: the waking, dream and sleep states. Wow!!
What I gathered from his words is that, the world that we witness in all its vibrancy in our waking state is our experience of Brahma (Creator), the dream state is our experience of the Preserver and the state of deep sleep is the Nothingness pertaining to the Destroyer of the known world.
Amazing, isn’t it?
It takes deep contemplation by an acute intellect to come up with these correlations.
I feel blessed to share in these thoughts.
What is your take?
(The writer is a Life Coach and Senior Soft Skills trainer; and can be reached at
-Atifa Deshamukhya
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