The decision follows a high-profile meeting between Phogat, Punia, and former Congress president Rahul Gandhi in New Delhi...
Digital Desk: In a significant political move, wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia are set to contest the upcoming Haryana assembly elections as Congress candidates, party sources reveal. Phogat is likely to contest from the Julana seat, while Punia is expected to contest from Badli. These potential candidacies are pending confirmation from the Congress Central Election Committee (CEC), which is expected to finalize the list by Wednesday or Thursday.
Phogat, who had originally sought a nomination from a seat near Gurugram, was eventually endorsed for Julana following negotiations. The CEC has so far approved candidates for 66 out of 90 Haryana assembly seats, with Phogat and Punia's names yet to appear in this list.
The decision follows a high-profile meeting between Phogat, Punia, and former Congress president Rahul Gandhi in New Delhi. This meeting intensified speculation about their involvement in the elections. The Congress has maintained a cautious stance regarding the final decision, with AICC General Secretary Deepak Babaria promising clarity by Thursday.
Both wrestlers gained national attention during their participation in the 2023 protests against former BJP MP and Wrestling Federation of India chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh over sexual harassment allegations. Their transition from sports to politics is seen as a significant move by Congress to capitalize on their public influence and popularity.
With the Haryana assembly elections scheduled for October 5 and the vote count set for October 8, the final list of candidates will be closely watched.
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