• Arvind Kejriwal Announces a Year-Long "Jobs Calendar" in Gujarat

    Arvind Kejriwal Announces a Year-Long "Jobs Calendar" in Gujarat

    Digital Desk: Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party
    and the Chief Minister of Delhi, today unveiled a jobs calendar for 
    Chief Minister of Delhi,
    where the BJP has held power for close to 30 years and where elections are
    scheduled for the end of the year. If elected, he claimed, the AAP government
    would conduct a number of tests and conduct recruitment for positions in the
    state police, teachers, and Panchayati positions. He also proposed a job quota
    for Gujaratis and promised to reform Army recruitments, which had devolved into
    a short-service programme. According to him, persons from the state will
    receive 80% of the private jobs.

    Mr. Kejriwal used Punjab as an example, where AAP took power following a
    decisive election earlier this year "We have altered Delhi, we are
    altering Punjab, and we will also alter Gujarat. Within the first year of the
    establishment of the government, the job allocation procedure will begin

    The AAP has charged the BJP-led administration in Gujarat with
    failing not only on important human indicators like education and healthcare,
    but also on one of the fundamental economic drivers — job creation.

     If elected to power, the party has pledged to provide jobs for
    10 lakh people within five years. The party promised to give unemployed people
    a 3,000-rupee payment up until all jobs have been created.

    Mr. Kejriwal asserted that there is money available for the
    allowance. Just by shutting down these two scams, he claimed, "we would
    have the money to create jobs."

    "Youth in Gujarat are most in need of work. There are jobs
    available, but instead of filling open government positions, people are running
    scams "Manish Sisodia, a senior party leader and deputy chief minister of
    Delhi, stated. He stated at a Townhall in Bhavnagar that through government
    programmes, 2 lakh government employment and 10 lakh private jobs have been
    given in Delhi.

    According to the Gujarat recruiting calendar, the Panchayati Raj
    examinations will take place in February, and the posting will take place in
    April. May will see the administration of the exams for hiring teachers, and
    June will see the release of the results. Teachers will have alternatives on
    where they wish to be posted in July.

    Exams will be held in August for all open teacher positions, and
    positions will be filled in October. The recruitment procedure for Sub Inspectors
    will start the following month, and postings will be finished by December.

    Regarding the Agniveer short service programme for the
    military forces, Mr. Kejriwal further criticised the BJP-led Central
    government, claiming that the party could "forgive 10 lakh crore loans for
    your buddies and you don't have money for the army?"

    "The Center claimed that they lacked the resources to
    pay out pensions. We will object to this and demand that the forces regain
    their privileges. In India, 130 billion people will give up one meal to support
    the military. India will pay, "He added