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Let us not deprive future generations by joining together to conserve elephants...
Digital Desk: Elephants are one animal that people of different cultures and traditions around the world adore, revere, and respect. Every year on August 12, World Elephant Day is observed to raise public awareness about the need to protect elephants. On World Elephant Day 2022, we should try to raise awareness about the endangered elephants.
World Elephant Day 2022: History
World Elephant Day was initiated by two Canadian filmmakers, Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures, and Sivaporn Dardaraanda, Secretary General of Thailand's Elephant Re-introduction Foundation. The first World Elephant Day was observed on August 12, 2012.
The Importance of World Elephant Day
Elephants face a number of problems, including poaching, habitat loss, and human-animal conflict. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified Asian elephants as "endangered" and African elephants as "vulnerable" on its red list of threatened species.
The largest land animal in the world is the elephant. An adult elephant can grow to a height of 3 m and weigh as much as 7,500 kg.
The huge animals have a wild lifespan of 50 to 70 years on average. It requires as much as 150 kg of food each day. They communicate using vibrations, and their tucks are actually teeth.
The elephant is a revered animal in India. We must all work together to make the world safe for elephants.
Let us not deprive future generations by joining together to conserve elephants.
In 2022, on World Elephant Day, let's make a commitment to protect the jumbos.
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