Hurricane-force winds caused blizzard conditions in Buffalo, New York. Emergency response attempts were delayed...Digital Desk: At least 18 peopl...
Many flights have been cancelled as the storm deepens, with forecasts predicting the coldest Christmas in decades... Digital Desk: A powerful Arctic ...
Scotland has become the first region of the United Kingdom to adopt a self-identification method for altering gender, following the approval of ...
Afghan girls marched against the prohibition on women from attending universities in Afghanistan...Digital Desk: Afghan girls protested on Thursday ag...
At his restaurant Shish Mahal in the 1970s, Ahmed Aslam Ali created a sauce from a can of tomato soup to create the famous curry.Digital Desk: Ahmed A...
Significant demand for lemons has been observed from Beijing and Shanghai, the two cities hardest afflicted by Covid-19.Digital Desk: Amid an alarmi...
As the city's healthcare system moan under the weight of the outbreak, with the majority of the victims being elderly people, he revealed "appalling" ...
Despite previously promising more moderate rule and women's and minority rights, the Taliban has widely enforced... Digital Desk: Women are banned fr...