• Holistic Practices of Overcoming Body Image Issues and Building Confidence

    Holistic Practices of Overcoming Body Image Issues and Building Confidence

    Exercise and meditation are really helpful in overcoming body image issues and building confidence. Practicing both exercise and meditation makes the body-mind connection.

    Digital Desk: Society has always set an unrealistic standard of beauty which is now further fueled by social media. People are constantly comparing themselves to others. This diminishes their self-esteem, leading them to constant feelings of inadequacy, and depression.

    But one forgets that true beauty doesn’t have any relationship with body image and developing confidence level. Therefore, you should break the societal taboo and find happiness in life by implementing some ‘practical strategies and mindset shifts’. It also includes changing diet as it will help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Including Calcium rich foods, protein, and magnesium can help you a lot in improving your mindset and improving physical appearance.

    This gradually empowers you by keeping you physically and mentally healthy which naturally glows both your inner and outer appearance up.

    Different Practices To Overcome Body Image Problems

    If you are someone who is low with confidence and facing body image issues then we have listed below some of the best some of the best practices:

    Cultivate Self-Compassion

    Cultivating self-compassion is a powerful practice because such practice makes you kind to yourself and helps you understand your self-worth. When you understand your value, it becomes easy to accept that every human being, their journey and struggles with life are also different.

    So, it is easy to compare yourself with others because you don’t know their hardships. This real thought process helps you accept yourself and combat self-criticism.

    The mind shifts gradually help you face failures with resilience and take them as a lesson that lightens up the further steps. Therefore, it helps you improve your relationship with yourself with love and compassion.

    When you can love yourself, you find yourself loving your surroundings and people. Thus, when you get emotionally strong, you become more powerful and happy in life.

    Follow a Proper Diet Culture

    Following a proper diet culture is important because it not only manages your weight and maintains healthy skin and hair but also promotes your overall well-being which is a crucial factor in gaining confidence in your life. Therefore, enhancing your self-care routine and being mindful of what you are feeding your body can boost your mental and physical health.

    However, while creating a diet chart people often forget to add calcium which is very important for our various bodily functions. It helps in muscle movement and the functioning of the nervous system, and helps blood vessels to carry blood which aids in releasing hormones.

    Avoid Binge Eating

    Most people binge eat when they are emotionally down, not having confidence in themselves. You should create a healthy practice of avoiding binge eating with heavy workouts, mindful practice of eating, and gaining the confidence of self-control. Developing such a habit takes time but if you decide to make a real transition then with time you make it possible through constant small achievements.

    Exercise and Meditate

    Exercise and meditation are really helpful in overcoming body image issues and building confidence. Practicing both exercise and meditation makes the body-mind connection. This helps reduce stress and boost self-esteem. Exercise not only helps you manage weight but also maintains your overall health. You feel more positive towards your body.

    If you are not a heavy workout person, you should try yoga because it is effective and it makes you feel spiritually uplifted, and connected to your soul.


    Once you establish a proper weight loss routine, you find a drastic change in your body image and mental health which naturally builds your self-trust and self-control. In studies, it is found that amla helps in controlling the urge to eat. The presence of fibre and vitamin C in amla naturally reduces hunger, cleans toxins from your body, and increases metabolism. It is considered as one of the major amla benefits for good health.

    Practicing all these self-care tips and surrounding yourself with positive people can help you achieve your desired goal of overcoming body image issues and building confidence. If nothing of the above tips work, you should seek professional help.