• Reduce body heat naturally with this simple Ayurvedic remedy

    Reduce body heat naturally with this simple Ayurvedic remedy
    An imbalance of Pitta can be brought on by eating food that is hot, spicy, fermented, salty, greasy, or fried. Caffeine and alcohol both have a heated, acute, and provoking Pitta dosha.

    Digital Desk: People frequently worry about mouth sores and heat boils. But have you ever questioned why they occur? Your body heat is probably one of the reasons you get them. Ayurveda specialist Dr. Rekha Radhamony claims that, if not everyone, then at least some people do feel their body heat. Different people will experience this heat in different ways. 

    "Pitta imbalance is the cause of excessive body heat. Pitta is the oiliest, incisive, and most heated of the three doshas. Therefore, a Pitta dosha imbalance is responsible for the symptoms we commonly associate with body heat, including elevated body temperature, red, sensitive skin, mouth ulcers, intolerance to heat, sweating, heartburn, loose stools, boils, acidity, anger, and irritability, according to Dr. Archana Sukumaran, an Ayurvedic physician (BAMS) at Kerala Ayurveda.

    "Some people may have mouth ulcers, some may develop hot boils, and yet others may experience an angry outburst. Some people are naturally kind," a video on Instagram by Dr. Rekha stated.  

    Why does the body heat up?

    Dr. Archana mentioned the following factors as contributors to elevated body heat:

    An imbalance of Pitta can be brought on by eating food that is hot, spicy, fermented, salty, greasy, or fried. Caffeine and alcohol both have a heated, acute, and provoking Pitta dosha.

    • Excessive physical activity - Since active muscles and the resulting blood circulation produce a lot of heat, this may raise body temperature. 

    • Excessive physical activity - Since active muscles and the resulting blood circulation produce a lot of heat, this may raise body temperature. 

    Dr. Rekha suggested a simple Ayurvedic treatment that can help in lowering this body heat. 50 ml of water and 8 g of crushed coriander seeds should be soaked overnight. She advised straining the water and consuming it the following morning on an empty stomach.

    The expert claims that in addition to lowering body heat, the cure is also effective at reducing burning sensations, excessive thirst, clearing the channels, and pitta imbalance.