• Take care of your eyes and reduce pressure with these 3 remedies

    Take care of your eyes and reduce pressure with these 3 remedies
    Eyes consume a lot of blue light given the continuous exposure to mobile phones, laptops, and desktops...

    Digital Desk: Our lifestyle and the nature of our jobs have an impact on our eyes. A job that demands you to work on a computer for long hours or a lifestyle that entails constant phone browsing increases not only screen time but also exposure to blue light. Such a way of living can create strain, and headaches, and make our eyes weaker in the long term.

    As a result, Dr Dimple Jangda, an Ayurvedic expert, advised three strategies to relieve pressure on your eyes and allow you to take better care of them.

    "Of late, our eyes consume a lot of blue light given continuous exposure to mobile phones, laptops, desktops, on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis," she wrote in an Instagram post.

    People who do not wear power glasses should wear reading glasses when reading. While it minimizes blue light, wearing it while reading decreases eye strain. "Get any blue-light-cancelling reading glasses and use them to read from phones or laptops," Dr Dimple wrote in her post.

    After a hard day of computer work, it is only natural to want to put something cool on your eyes to relieve tension. Dr. Dimple recommends using cooling goods like grated cucumber, cucumber juice on a cotton pad, rose water, and tea bags that contain flavonoids and are anti-inflammatory. Use this to relieve inflammation and heat around your eyes.

    Apply kajal with almond oil or ghee on your lower eyelid to increase pitta, which helps the tear ducts release tears and allergies or dust caught in your eyes.