• Third Sawan Somwar fast: Try these 5 nutrition drinks this Monday

    Third Sawan Somwar fast: Try these 5 nutrition drinks this Monday

    To preserve good health and a high level of energy, it is important to be hydrated and fed throughout the fast. 

    Digital Desk: The Hindu calendar's holy month of Shravan is of great significance, and Sawan Somwar, or the Mondays of Shravan, is especially adored by devotees. The practice of fasting on these blessed days is thought to offer blessings, purification, and spiritual development. People refrain from eating certain foods and grains during Sawan as part of an ancient practice. To preserve good health and a high level of energy, it is important to be hydrated and fed throughout the fast. The five healthy beverages that are suitable for consumption during the Third Sawan Somwar fast will be discussed in this post.

    1. Coconut water: A naturally hydrating and delicious beverage, coconut water provides the necessary nutrients to keep you going throughout the day. Coconut water, which is high in potassium and magnesium electrolytes, aids in replacing lost fluids and reducing dehydration. It is a great option for fasting because it is low in calories and simple to digest. The natural sweetness of coconut water also helps to reduce the need for sweet drinks.

    2. Sattu Sherbet: Made from roasted grams, Sattu is a popular flour that is very nutritious. As it provides a healthy combination of proteins, fibres, and crucial minerals, sattu sherbet is a well-liked beverage, particularly on fasting days. To make this delicious drink, combine sattu with water, a splash of lemon juice, roasted cumin powder, and a bit of rock salt. In addition to keeping you hydrated, Sattu sherbet also gives you a sense of fullness, which reduces hunger cravings.

    3. Lemon Mint Cooler: Lemons are a great option for fasting days because of their refreshing and purifying qualities. Fresh lemon juice and crushed mint leaves are added to a glass of water to create a lemon mint cooler. A drizzle of honey can also be used to offer a hint of natural sweetness. This beverage not only satisfies thirst but also improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

    4. Fruit smoothies: During Sawan Somwar, fruit smoothies are a delightful and healthy way to break your fast. Blend a variety of fruits, including bananas, apples, berries, and papayas with yoghurt or coconut milk to make a smoothie. While yoghurt or coconut milk contributes creaminess and probiotics for a healthy gut, fruits supply natural carbohydrates, vitamins, and antioxidants. This delicious beverage will keep you full and energised all day.

    5. Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe vera is well known for its many health advantages, such as better digestion, hydration, and detoxification. During the Sawan Somwar fast, drinking aloe vera juice can give you vital nutrients and promote your general health. Use only pure, natural aloe juice or gel without any sugar or other artificial components.