• Winter Diet For Women: 6 Immune Boosting Superfoods to Eat This Season

    Winter Diet For Women: 6 Immune Boosting Superfoods to Eat This Season

    Healthy winter diets may keep the body warm, enhance immunity, and prevent...

    Digital Desk: As winter approaches, many people suffer from colds and flu, and many also experience eczema, dry skin, hair loss, and arthritis. This is due to cold winds and increased air pollution, both of which weaken our immune systems and increase our chances of getting sick. Changing your diet according to the season is an easy way to stay healthy. Healthy winter diets may keep the body warm, enhance immunity, and prevent a variety of skin and health problems.

    6 Super-Healthy Winter Foods for Women

    1. Ghee: It is a myth that Ghee causes weight gain. During the winter, ghee made from cow milk will keep you warm. It is a nutritious fat that is healthy and full of nutrients. In the winter, adding a tablespoon of ghee will keep you warm.


    2. Amla: Amla also known as Indian gooseberry contains the highest amount of vitamin C among all fruits and vegetables. In the winter, taking one amla on an empty stomach in the morning can help you sail through the tough weather.


    3.  Peanut chikki: It is a special treat for the winter. This delicious delicacy not only prevents illness but also reduces your craving for sweets.

    4. Panjiri: It is another winter food that can boost your immunity and protect you from colds and coughs.You can have it in form of ladoos made of ghee and sattu.

    5. Jaggery: A winter diet would be incomplete without talking about jaggery. Also called as gur in Hindi, it generates heat in the body. You can substitute jaggery for refined sugar. 


    6.  Turmeric root: Turmeric root is widely available throughout the winter, and you should incorporate it into your diet to stay healthy. You can also add turmeric root to your tea as a way of boosting your immunity.