Digital Desk: The vastness of the universe, the complexity of human interactions, the cyclical progression and retrogression that characterizes our lives, feels overwhelming at times.
Those who delve deep into matters pertaining to human existence, often become divorced from the multitudes, and needs must tread on solitarily. They invite names like recluse, and are even called mad.
But the pea sized brain of a bird never seems to bother it. Neither are the inhabitants of the animal world seen endlessly juggling with excruciating existential issues.
It is our rationality that holds us apart from the rest of known creation, but can anything be a total boon?
Boon and bane balanced is what we see thriving around us.
So, if not too much of rationalizing, what other option do we have?
The other side of the coin is to be trusting. With a heart-centered approach, if we can trust that everything that happens to us is an experience to be embraced, the brakes can be jammed on the relentless thought processes that torture us.
We cannot divorce human life from thought. But let us balance it with trust. 'Think before you leap', as they say. And then surrender to the consequences till the time one can think about the next leap. Not for nothing do we have the phrase, 'leap of faith'. For, once we leap into an action, we need faith to follow through with the consequences - good or bad.
So. folks, in this dance of balance that is life, let us mix equal amounts of head-centred and heart-centred inputs, let us act and trust, with equal zest.
After all, the age-old philosophy of Karma, exhorts us to do the same, as the best way to live life.
(The writer is a Senior Soft Skills trainer and can be reached at
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