Wearing a mask before going for a walk out, keeping doors and windows shut, and vacuuming often, as well as changing air filters frequently on the HVAC system.
Digital Desk: With the future air pollution of India, and particularly Delhi and the National Capital Region, becoming worse, it is important to protect pets from it. Various writers refer to how different quality of air affects animals and provide simple ways that will help in the protection of those animals
Talking to GNC, Dr. Gautam Anand, senior veterinary consultant at Dr. Anand’s Pet Clinic in Delhi, said air pollution leads to respiratory problems, allergies, and lung cancer in animals. Dogs are especially affected, as some flu symptoms that appear invulnerable may later become serious health issues such as asthma. He suggests also wearing a mask before going for a walk outside, keeping doors and windows shut, and vacuuming often, as well as changing air filters often on the HVAC system.
As one of Sava Vet’s Chief Operating Officers, Karthik Rajan argues that pets also experience eye irritation because of pollution. He advises pet owners to take their pets outside, especially in the morning before rush hours or late at night when air pollution is at its lowest. In cases of respiratory problems, urgent veterinary consultation is advisable.
J.S. Ramakrishna, Carniwel business head, recommends pet owners add turmeric or coconut oil in their pet’s feed—which makes pets stronger—advice that comes after consulting a vet. He also advised the owners to use warm, salty water to comply with the eyes or noses of the pets in case of irritation. Rashi Narang, founder of Heads Up For Tails, emphasizes the following measures:
1. Monitor AQI levels: Do not go out for a walk in case the air quality is bad and stay inside the house.
2. Enhance indoor air quality: Do not open windows, use thick drapes, and if your pet spends much time in a particular room, it would be wise to invest in an air purifier.
3. Watch for symptoms: Examine symptoms that are closely related to pollution and diseases that can be seen in the fowl and other livestock and games, including coughing, sneezing, red eyes, signs of tiredness, and lack of appetite.
4. Skincare: Asthmatic patients should avoid using certain types of shampoos, especially those that trigger skin rashes during baths. patient should ensure proper drying after baths to avoid colds.
A lot can be done to ensure that pets are spared from the impacts made by air pollution in various ways. Air pollution impacts more than just people; it can have a serious effect on your dogs' health. Whether you have a dog or a cat, it is important to be proactive with pet care during times of poor air quality. Air pollution impacts more than just people; it can have a serious effect on your dogs' health. Whether you have a dog or a cat, it is important to be proactive with pet care during times of poor air quality.
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