• Ways to improve Indoor Air Quality and Reduce Air Pollution in the home

    Ways to improve Indoor Air Quality and Reduce Air Pollution in the home

    A variety of indoor plants can help to increase oxygen levels in poorly ventilated houses while also reducing pollutants such as VOCs, Benzene, CO, and CO2. These can tolerate low light/artificial light and serve to refresh the environment in the home. Snake plants, ficus, spider plants, aglonema, deffenbachia, areca palms, and aloe vera are also good choices for fresh air in poorly ventilated homes and businesses.

    Indoor air pollution affects 4.5 million people in India every year,
    making it one of the most serious risks to human health and life. According to
    the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) report, air pollution reduces Indians' life
    expectancy by five years, the majority of which is preventable. Indoor air can
    be ten times more polluted than outdoor air, and with the shift to
    work-from-home, IAQ has become a hot topic of debate, as people spend more than
    15 hours indoors.


    people are unknowingly exposed to indoor air pollution and are unaware of the
    consequences. Smoke from solid-fuel cooking, cigarettes, incense sticks, dhoop,
    paint and varnish fumes, mosquito coils, repellents, and cleaning chemicals are
    all major sources of indoor air pollution, and exposure to these pollutants can
    significantly harm residents' health, resulting in respiratory, cardiovascular,
    or endocrine disorders, as well as cancer in extreme cases.


    far, we have witnessed two levels of air pollutants - suspended particles (PM
    Level) and microbiological level (equal to or below 0.1, Coronavirus),"
    Kartik Singhal, Founder of O2 Cure and Managing Director at Zeco Aircon
    Limited, said in an interview with HT Lifestyle. The third stage, hazardous
    gases, is not, however, being emphasised. Last year, a haze cloud formed on the
    Yamuna's waters, giving us a sight of it."


    kill the enemy, you must first recognise the adversary," he suggested,
    adding that societal knowledge of air pollution should be prioritised. To balance
    filtered air changes, smell, and carbon-dioxide levels in your house, maintain
    ideal treated fresh air. Install the best air purifier technology to maintain
    good indoor AQI levels for PM 2.5, TVOC, formaldehyde, and other pollutants, as
    our furniture, rugs, carpets, curtains, and other items all emit air pollutants
    that cause allergies. Finally, to reduce PM levels and enhance moisture content
    or relative humidity in dwellings during the dry winter season, utilise a
    humidifier."Adding to the list, Gaurav Kedia, Chairman of Indian Biogas
    Association, suggested some ways that can be used to improve indoor air quality
    and reduce air pollution in your home. These include:


    1. Ventilation: The
    first step is to open doors and windows to allow new air in while allowing
    stale air to escape. In the case of air-conditioned rooms, the same precautions
    must be taken. To allow fresh air in, open the doors/windows once a day. When
    lighting cigarettes or incense sticks, windows should also be opened to allow
    the smoke to escape.

    color:black;mso-themecolor:text1">2. Wet Mopping On Floors/Objects: font-weight:normal;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">Wet mopping should be used to
    collect settled PM particles whenever possible. The PM particles are unsettled
    by dry dusting and persist in the ambient air for a long time, invading our
    airways and creating discomfort.

    font-weight:normal;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">3. Plants: font-weight:normal;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> A variety of indoor plants can
    help to increase oxygen levels in poorly ventilated houses while also reducing
    pollutants such as VOCs, Benzene, CO, and CO2. These can tolerate low
    light/artificial light and serve to refresh the environment in the home. Snake
    plants, ficus, spider plants, aglonema, deffenbachia, areca palms, and aloe
    vera are also good choices for fresh air in poorly ventilated homes and


    4. Planting
    mso-themecolor:text1"> Banana, Mango, Neem, Peepal, Amla, Bel, Nariyal
    (Coconut), Chandan, Lotus, Jasmine, Ashok Kadamb, Tulsi, and Parijat trees
    should be encouraged since they provide unique environmental benefits (apart
    from their fruits). According to SM Edwardes, a British India officer, about 78
    types of trees were revered in various parts of India, and people were not
    permitted to cut them down. Planting trees along road sides, walkways,
    backyards, and front yards can result in millions of trees being planted,
    lowering pollution and land exposure to hot sun radiation, resulting in cooler
    and fresher surroundings.


    to a lack of space, some of these concepts will be unable to be executed. We
    must educate our site management personnel, drivers, cleaners, and members of
    the general public about the importance of not burning biodegradable garbage on
    the highway. All biodegradable trash generated in the home should either be
    composted or properly disposed of, not mixed with non-biodegradable waste.