The couple allegedly abducted the one-month-old infant boy from North Delhi as their son passed away the previous year...
Digital desk: In a shocking incident, a couple was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a child, after their daughter asked for a brother to tie rakhi, police said on Friday.
The couple allegedly abducted the one-month-old infant boy from North Delhi as their son passed away the previous year and their daughter requested a brother to tie rakhi. The accused have been identified as Sanjay Gupta and Anita Gupta (both 36), who live in Raghubir Nagar in Tagore Garden.
Police received information about the kidnapping of a disabled woman's one-month-old infant on Thursday around 4:34 am. According to a senior police official, the complainant couple, who lived on a footpath at Chhatta Rail Chowk, said that they found their child had been abducted at about 3 a.m. when they woke up.
Police reviewed the adjacent area's CCTV cameras during the inquiry and observed two people riding a motorcycle roaming around. They were believed to be kidnappers, police officials said. The officer claimed that they investigated 400 CCTV cameras and followed the suspects up to LNJP Hospital.
The officer claimed that after investigating all the information, authorities discovered that the supposed bike was registered in Sanjay Gupta's name. The area where crimes are most likely to occur was blocked off by about 15 police officers and female staff members who were armed. They headed to Raghubir Nagar's C-Block in Tagore Garden, where Sanjay and his wife were waiting for them. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Sagar Singh Kalsi, the kidnapped infant was also discovered there.
The death of their 17-year-old son was revealed by Sanjay and Anita. According to the DCP, their 15-year-old daughter requested that her brother tie a rakhi for them on the upcoming Rakshabandhan on August 30. And they decided to abduct a boy. They found this infant sleeping at some distance from his mother near Chhatta Rail Chowk.
According to Kalsi, they had abducted him to raise him as their son. Sanjay had previously been involved in three criminal cases.
His father is a ragpicker, and his mother is disabled in both her hands and her legs. The police stated that the couple is homeless and residing on the footpath near Chhatta Rail Chowk.
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