According to doctor Narsi Ram Devasi, when the man was taken to the hospital with an oxygen level of 80, there were cuts in various places inside his body. Yashpal's condition was stabilized after the 56 blades were removed during surgery.
Digital Desk: In a shocking event in Rajasthan, a man was admitted to the operating room in Rajasthan after it was discovered that he had consumed 56 blades. According to reports, the man began vomiting blood, and his friends rushed him to the hospital. After performing sonography, doctors were astounded to discover major slits in his neck and a stomach full of blades.
During the 3-hour surgery, a team of seven doctors removed all of the stomach blades. The incident occurred in Sanchore, Rajasthan, in the Jalore district.
He shares a Balaji Nagar apartment with four other people. Yashpal called his coworkers around 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, after all of his roommates had left for work. He was admitted to the Mediplus Hospital in Sanchore. After performing X-rays and sonograms on Yashpal, Dr. Narsi Ram Devasi discovered blades in his stomach. Yashpal was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery to have the blades removed.
According to doctor Narsi Ram Devasi, when the man was taken to the hospital with an oxygen level of 80, there were cuts in various places inside his body. Yashpal's condition was stabilized after the 56 blades were removed during surgery.
According to the doctor, the man's consumption of three entire blade packages could have been triggered by anxiety or depression. In order to swallow it, he had broken the blade into two pieces and consumed it with the cover.
As blood began to flow from the stomach, the doctor explained that the covering had dissolved in the stomach and he began vomiting blood. Other medical professionals involved in the case included Dr. Pushpendra, Dr. Dhaval Shah, Dr. Sheela Bishnoi, Dr. Naresh Devasi Ramsin, and Dr. Ashok Vaishnav.
His family members arrived after learning that Yashpal had been admitted to the hospital. When the family last spoke with Yashpal, he appeared to be normal. The reason for the consumption of the blades has not yet been revealed.
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