Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
The 66-year-old leader made news earlier when he was spotted cleaning a toilet in a widely shared video...
Digital Desk: Bharatiya Janata Party leader and member of parliament (MP) from Madhya Pradesh's Rewa constituency, Janardan Mishra, has drawn attention once again, this time over his comments on water conservation. The 66-year-old leader made news earlier when he was spotted cleaning a toilet in a widely shared video.
In his latest remarks, the BJP leader was stressing the seriousness of groundwater depletion when he made an odd reference to alcohol and tobacco consumption. "Every year, the water level is dropping. When there is no replacement and so much water is used, this is unavoidable. It can only be saved when money is spent," he is heard saying in the video of an address tweeted by the news agency ANI.
Reportedly, the BJP leader spoke at a water conservation program in Madhya Pradesh's Rewa, roughly 530 kilometers from the state capital of Bhopal. In his address, he said, "I don't have a problem. Whether you chew tobacco, drink alcohol or smoke weed or smell thinner or spend in religious works but do understand the importance of water conservation."
Earlier in September, a video went viral showing the Lok Sabha member cleaning the toilet of a girls' school in his area with his bare hands. It was shot when he visited a school in Khatkhari as the chief guest for a plantation program.
"Everyone should keep their surroundings clean. From Mahatma Gandhi to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, they have given the message of cleanliness," he had said at the time.
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