Following the incident, the woman filed a complaint against the accused at the nearby police station...
Digital Desk: In a shocking incident, a woman from Assam was allegedly physically assaulted by a drunken youth at a hotel in Delhi, reports emerged on Sunday.
The incident took place at Karan Palace Guest House in New Friends Colony where the accused knocked at the door of the victim's room at around 10 pm on Saturday in an inebriated state asking her to open the door. He broke the door and entered her room forcefully after she refused to answer him. And then started physically abusing and assaulting her.
Following the incident, the woman filed a complaint against the accused in the nearby police station.
The accused culprit has been identified as Navin Kumar Singh. However, based on the complaint he was detained by the police.
The victim told reporters, “I was getting ready to go to sleep yesterday between 9:45 and 10 pm when I heard someone firmly knocking on my room's door. He asked me to open the door immediately, which made me a little uneasy. As I didn’t open the door, he broke the door and entered. He entered my room and immediately began to scream at me and hit me. I managed to get away from him somehow, informed his father who was the owner of the hotel where I was staying in. He asked me to inform the police immediately about the incident.”
“The police then reached the hotel and took me for medical examination,” she further added.
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