The incident came to light after a journalist shared the video on Twitter. "At Shankar Chowk in Gurugram #Kia car rider blew up the pots of plants in broad daylight," Raj Verma wrote.
Digital Desk: A man was apprehended after being caught on camera stealing flower pots arranged for a G-20 event in Gurugram on Wednesday. The video of the incident, which occurred in broad daylight at Shankar Chowk, quickly went viral on social media, eliciting outrage from a variety of sources.
In the video, which has gone viral on social media, the man and another person are seen taking the flower pots and storing them in his expensive car with a VIP licence plate.
The incident came to light after a journalist shared the video on Twitter. "At Shankar Chowk in Gurugram #Kia car rider blew up the pots of plants in broad daylight," Raj Verma wrote.
The video received a lot of attention on social media, which drew criticism from many users. The viral video also drew the attention of Gurugram Deputy Commissioner, who directed the police to launch an investigation.
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