India is set to send a groundbreaking addition to its upcoming Gaganyaan mission - a female robot named Vyommitra...
Digital Desk: In a significant stride towards advancing space exploration, India is set to send a groundbreaking addition to its upcoming Gaganyaan mission - a female robot named "Vyommitra." This announcement was made today by Union Minister Jitendra Singh during the NDTV G20 Conclave, where he revealed that the maiden trial spaceflight for the mission is scheduled for the first or second week of October.
Singh, the Union Minister of State for Science and Technology, emphasized the importance of both sending astronauts into space and ensuring their safe return. "The Gaganyaan project got delayed due to the pandemic. Now we are planning the first trial mission in October's first or second week. Bringing back the astronauts is as important as sending them," he stated.
Elaborating on the second phase of the mission, Minister Singh highlighted the role of "Vyommitra." "In the second mission, there will be a female robot, and she will mimic all human activities. If everything goes perfectly, then we can give the go-ahead," he revealed. This step marks a significant leap forward in India's capabilities in space technology.
Minister Singh also shared the relief and jubilation experienced by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) team during the successful landing of the Chandrayaan-3 lander near the Moon's south pole. "Those who have been very closely associated with the ISRO team were nervous. My first nervous moment was when the Chandrayaan-3 craft left Earth's orbit for the Moon's orbit. The landing was so smooth," he recounted.
Singh attributed this achievement to the visionary decision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to open up the space sector and involve the public in its advancements. "It happened because Prime Minister Narendra Modi open the space sector. Till about 2019, the gates of Sriharikota were closed, but this time the media and schoolchildren were invited. It was owned by the people this time," the Union Minister said. He also highlighted the increased funding for the space program, further fueling India's capabilities in space exploration.
This move places India at the forefront of spacefaring nations. The country became the fourth nation to successfully send a lander to the Moon, following in the footsteps of the erstwhile USSR, the US, and China. With the upcoming Gaganyaan mission and the inclusion of the advanced female robot "Vyommitra," India is not only cementing its position in space exploration but also demonstrating its commitment to innovation and progress in the field.
As the trial spaceflight date draws near, anticipation and excitement are building not only within the scientific community but also among the general public. The journey of "Vyommitra" is poised to be a remarkable chapter in India's space exploration narrative, solidifying the nation's prowess and vision for the future of interstellar discovery.
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