Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
The number of persons who have recovered from the sickness has risen to 4,41,28,580, with a case fatality rate of 1.19 percent.
Digital Desk: The number of new coronavirus infections
in India increased by 501 in a single day, while active cases decreased from
7,918 to 7,561, according to the health ministry on Wednesday. The overall
number of Covid cases is now 4,46,66,676, while the death toll has risen to
5,30,535 due to two new fatalities, one each from Delhi and Rajasthan.
to the data, active cases accounted for 0.02 percent of total infections, and
the recovery rate improved to 98.79 percent.
number of persons who have recovered from the sickness has risen to
4,41,28,580, with a case fatality rate of 1.19 percent.
far, the immunisation push has resulted in the administration of 219.82 crore
doses of Covid vaccinations in the country.
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