The Maharashtra Assembly has enacted the Lokayukta Bill 2022, which places the CM and his cabinet under the aegis of the anti-corruption ombudsman...
Digital Desk: The Maharashtra Assembly enacted the Lokayukta Bill 2022 on Wednesday. The bill, which was enacted without debate, places the chief minister and the council of ministers under the jurisdiction of the anti-corruption ombudsman.
The opposition had organised a walkout in protest of the alleged swindle in the Teachers' Entrance Test.
Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis described the measure as historic.
He said that Maharashtra is the first state to pass such legislation.
Following the bill, prior Assembly consent is required, and the motion must be brought before the House in its current session before any investigation into the chief minister can begin.
As stated in the bill, which was tabled in the House on Monday, such a resolution must be approved by at least two-thirds of the assembly's total membership.
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