Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
He released a new video in which he confessed to the gruesome murder of his partner.
Digital Desk: As the gory details of a woman's murder in
Delhi, reportedly committed by her male live-in partner, continue to emerge,
word of another brutal killing has emerged. This time, an incident has been
reported from Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur, in which a guy allegedly murdered his
fiancée and shared a video of her dead body in a resort on social media.
the video, the man confessed to the heinous deed and lamented the woman's
adultery. The accused was using the deceased's social media account and had
initially posted a video of himself confessing to the gruesome murder before
deleting it. He released a new video in which he confessed to the gruesome
murder of his partner.
woman was discovered dead in room 5 of the Mekhla resort on November 8, but
authorities are still looking for Abhijit Patidar. Shilpa Mishra, 21, of the
Kundam region of Jabalpur district, was slashed in the throat at the Mekhla
resort, according to the guy. According to an official quoted by the news
agency PTI, in a video, the accused is seen raising the bedsheet covering the
deceased woman's face and urging her not to betray him.
As part of their thorough
investigation, the police analysed the resort's CCTV footage and discovered
that Abhijit Patidar had checked into the resort on November 6 and the woman
had left in the evening. The pair returned to the resort the following day
around 3.30 p.m., and the accused left at 5.30 p.m. The hotel managers used
master keys to break down the door and discover the woman's body.
According to Additional
Superintendent of Police Shivesh Baghel, "the woman whose body was
discovered at Mekhla resort has been identified as Shilpa."
Priyanka Shukla, Special
Superintendent of Police, told India Today, "The woman's throat and wrist
were sliced, and two blades lay in front of her body. We also found two bottles
of wine and a few other items in the room. Rakhi Mishra was the name on the
phoney ID card that the woman presented to the resort."
It has also come to light
that the man defrauded several merchants, and numerous cases have been filed
against him on fraud accusations. He allegedly stole Rs 8 lakh from a dealer
before disappearing into thin air. A police force has been dispatched to
apprehend him.
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