Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
He was also a suspect in a stabbing case involving a Savarkar poster in Shivamogga, Karnataka.
Digital Desk: Karnataka police identified the suspect in the Mangaluru bombing as Shariq and confirmed his affiliation with the Islamic State. He was also a suspect in a stabbing case involving a Savarkar poster in Shivamogga, Karnataka.
According to two senior officials who are investigating the case, "Shariq is the name of the bomber in the Mangaluru blast case. He is one of three men wanted for his ties to the Islamic State and the execution of trial bomb blasts on the Tunga River's bank earlier this year." More investigation is underway, and more information about the case is awaited.
The suspect is currently in hospital after being injured in a bomb blast on a moving auto-rickshaw in Mangaluru on Saturday afternoon. According to Karnataka police, he allegedly used an unknown person's Aadhaar card to rent a house in Mangaluru.
The Karnataka Director General of Police (DGP) tweeted on Sunday afternoon, "It's confirmed now. The explosion was not an accident, but rather an act of terror intended to cause serious damage." He went on to say that the Karnataka Police, in collaboration with central security forces, is looking into it thoroughly.
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