Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
National Press Day 2022 will mark the 56th anniversary of the Press Council's establishment...
Digital Desk: National Press Day is observed to commemorate the foundation day of the Press Council of India in particular, and to highlight the importance of having a free press in the country in general.
Importance of Press Freedom
The independent press is frequently referred to as the voice of the powerless and a connecting link between the all-powerful rulers and the downtrodden ruled. It highlights the system's faults and malaise and assists the government in finding answers, thereby enhancing the values of the democratic system of governance. It's no surprise that it's seen as one of the four foundations of a strong democracy and the only one in which ordinary people have a direct voice. The other three are the executive, legislative, and judiciary—a limited group.
Over 50 nations in Asia and Africa gained independence with or after India, and several of them also embraced democracy. Except for India, no one could picture it operating and growing. Lack of press freedom is one of the factors. So in a way, a free press is necessary to protect not only democracy, a particular form of governance but also the associated rights and principles.
History of the Press Council of India:
The Press Council of India (PCI) was created by the Parliament on July 4, 1966, with the objective of allowing media agencies to self-censor. So that the dual goals of a "Free" and a "Responsible" press can be fulfilled. However, it took another four months for the body to be operational. It was Friday, November 16, 1966. And for this reason, National Press Day is observed annually on November 16.
Later through the PCI Act of 1978, the organization was given more power and responsibilities.
Powers of the Press Council of India (PCI)
It has the authority to summon, warn, or criticize a media organization or individual it has received a complaint about. Despite the fact that it lacks the authority to punish. It develops press-related policies or works with the government to do so. It codifies basic journalistic practice and ethics. Its power is limited to print media.
National Press Day 2022 will mark the 56th anniversary of the Press Council's establishment.
How The National Press Day Is Observed?
Several seminars and workshops are held to discuss the various problems the Indian press faces. These seminars have covered a variety of subjects, including the importance of the media in a democratic society, the Right to Information Act, the role and strategy of the media during a crisis, the press' obligation to promote basic civic tasks among citizens, and others.
Constitutional Rules
Article 19 of the Indian Constitution ensures the freedom of speech and expression. However, the article does not directly mention press freedom.
World Press Freedom Index 2022: India's position is sliding
India slid to 150th place from 142nd place last year among 180 nations.
The Indian government rejected the ranking, noting that it did not agree with the conclusions reached by 'Reporters Without Borders,' the organization behind the World Press Freedom Index.
India rejected the study for a number of reasons, including its "extremely small sample size, little or no weighting of democratic principles, and adoption of a methodology that is problematic and unclear."
Important Findings From The World Press Freedom Index 2022:
Except for Nepal, which jumped 30 ranks to the 76th position, all of our neighbours dropped in the rankings.
For example, Pakistan is ranked 157th, Sri Lanka is ranked 146th, Bangladesh is ranked 162nd, and Myanmar, which is embroiled in a civil conflict, is ranked 176th.
Norway (1st) Denmark (2nd), Sweden (3rd), Estonia (4th) and Finland (5th) grabbed the top 5 positions, while North Korea remained at the bottom of the list of the 180 countries and territories.
Laws on Freedom Of Press In India?
1. There is no particular right to press freedom in the constitution; it is included in the wider Right to Freedom of Speech.
2. Press Freedom is protected under article 19 (1) (a) of the constitution, which states - "All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression".
3. No Right is absolute and rightly so. This is why, under Article 19 (2), the right to Freedom of Speech (or press) is subject to reasonable limitations.
4. According to Article 19(2), matters relating to India's sovereignty and integrity, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign countries, public order, decency, or morality, as well as matters pertaining to court disobedience, defamation, or incitement to commit an offence, are not covered under the Freedom of Speech (or Press). And those who violate this law may face consequences.
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