Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
The police officials have found around 13 bones from the Mehrauli forest area, all of which have been sent for forensic testing to ascertain whether they belong to Shraddha. Recovering the bones is extremely crucial as it can tell the time and cause of the death.
Digital Desk: Police are working harder to collect adequate proof of Aaftab Ameen Poonawala's crime so that it can be proven in court. Aaftab, who was arrested on Monday, is charged with strangling to death his partner in May, dismembering her body into 35 pieces, and storing those pieces in a refrigerator. He subsequently scattered the pieces over 16 days in Delhi's Mehrauli forest.
The Saket court has given Delhi Police permission to undertake a narcotics analysis on the uncooperative main suspect, Aaftab, who has been changing his testimonies frequently, but police are still gathering as much information as they can as they look into the "Dexter"-inspired crime. Police have so far gathered a variety of documents, including the purchase history of the refrigerator where Aaftab kept his girlfriend's body parts and the murder instrument, a small saw, as well as testimony from others connected to Shraddha.
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