Digital Desk: Telangana leads the list of Indian states with the highest per capita income at current prices, with Rs 3,08,732 in 2022–23, according to data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). It is followed by Karnataka, which has a per capita income of Rs 3,01,673, and Haryana, which has a per capita income of Rs 296,685.
Since last year, Telangana has seen a significant increase in per capita income. Telangana topped the list of major states last year, with a per capita income of Rs 2,65,942. However, it was closely followed by Karnataka, which was at Rs 2,65,623. This year, however, the gap has become wider.
The data for Delhi for 2022–23 was unavailable. In 2020–21 and 2021–22, the per capita income was Rs 3,31,112 and Rs 3,89,529, respectively.
Haryana topped the list in terms of per capita income in 2022–23, with Rs 1,81,961 in constant prices. It was followed by Karnataka at Rs 1,76,383 and Tamil Nadu at Rs 1,66,463.
Which sector contributes the most to India's GVA?
Among all sectors, financial, real estate, and professional services continued to contribute the most to gross value added (GVA). In 2022–23, it contributed 21.42 percent of total GVA. In 2021–22, it contributed 21.51 percent.
In the last five years, the sector had the highest share of all sectors at 22.19 percent.
It was followed by the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors, which had a share of 18.42 percent. Agriculture's proportion has been decreasing since 2020–21, when it was 20.32 percent. In 2021–22, agriculture's contribution to total GVA was 18.97%.
At 17.98%, trade, hotels, transport, communication, and broadcasting-related services had the third-biggest percentage. It has recovered from a low of 15.78% in 2020–21 owing to Covid-19 limitations.
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