Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
The Supreme Court released Ravichandran, Nalini Sriharan, and others, ruling that all six of them had served their sentences in relation to the crime.
Desk: Ravichandran, a freed convict in the Rajiv
Gandhi assassination case, said people in North India should see them as
victims rather than terrorists or killers.
"People in North
India should see us as victims rather than terrorists or murderers. Who is a
terrorist or a freedom fighter is determined by time and power, "The news
agency ANI quoted Ravichandran as saying.
color:black">"But, even if we bear the blame for being terrorists, time
will judge us as innocent," Ravichandran said as he walked out of jail
after decades.
color:black">The Supreme Court released Ravichandran, Nalini Sriharan, and
others, ruling that all six of them had served their sentences in relation to
the crime.
color:black">Ravichandran has also denied being a part of a "larger
conspiracy" to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi.
color:black">"We have done some things out of Tamil pride and for the
Tamil movement," Ravichandran told media, noting that they had not done
anything that deserved a death sentence. But we are not the ones involved in
the plot to assassinate the former Prime Minister. We did nothing wrong to
deserve a life sentence or a death sentence."
color:black">On May 18, this year, the Supreme Court, invoking its
extraordinary power under Article 142 of the Constitution, ordered the release
of Perarivalan, who had been imprisoned for more than 30 years. On Friday, the
Supreme Court stated that its previous order applies equally to all other
On May 21, 1991, former
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated at a poll rally in Sriperumbudur,
Tamil Nadu, by a female suicide bomber named Dhanu.
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