Currently, Aadhaar-linked birth registration is available in 16 states. Various states have been added over the course of the process, which started more than a year ago.
Digital Desk: According to government sources, Aadhaar enrollment for newborns, along with birth certificates, is scheduled to be available in all states over the next few months, expanding beyond the 16 states that now offer the service.
Aadhaar-Linked Birth Registration is currently available in 16 states. The process began more than a year ago, with additional states gradually being added.
Work is being done in the other states, and the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the government body that distributes Aadhaar numbers, anticipates that over the next few months, all states will be able to offer the service, giving added convenience to new parents.
No bio metrics are collected from children under the age of five. Their UID is processed based on demographic information and a facial image connected to their parents' UID. As a result, bio metric updates (ten fingers, iris, and facial image) are necessary between the ages of 5 and 15.
More than 1,000 state and central government initiatives already use Aadhaar for beneficiary identification and authentication, benefit transfer, and de-duplication. There are roughly 650 initiatives sponsored by state governments and 315 run by the central government, all of which utilize the Aadhaar ecosystem and bio metric authentication.
To date, 134 crore Aadhaar cards have been distributed. This 12-digit bio metric identity received approximately 20 crore updates and enrollments last year. 4 crore of them were new enrollments, which included newborn newborns and children up to the age of 18. Only 30 lakh were for new adult enrollments.
According to sources, the goal is now to ensure that Aadhaar is issued at the time of birth, along with the birth certificate. In this approach, UIDAI is collaborating with the Registrar General of India. The method necessitates a computerized system of birth registration, and states with complete computerization have been included.
It wasn't possible to find the complete list of states that use Aadhaar-linked birth registration right away.
According to sources, anytime a birth certificate is issued in one of the 16 states, a message is sent to the UIDAI system, and an enrollment ID number is generated.
Aadhaar is generated as soon as the child's details, such as photo and residence, are entered into the system. Following sources, birth registrars are often Aadhaar enrollment agents as well, therefore they would be able to enrol for Aadhaar.
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