Digital Desk: In a shocking incident, a 22-year-old woman named Shobha Majhi was raped and murdered in Dibrugarh's Bakul Majgaon Sapori Line. The accused man was identified as Varun Mura of Lahowal Timona, who was
Subsequently, he was taken into custody in the present case for an article published in his online magazine in 2011 that the authorities claim is "highly provocative and seditious".
Digital Desk: The State Investigation Agency (SIA) of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday filed a chargesheet against the Editor of "The Kashmir Walla", Fahad Shah who is a research scholar Abdul Aala Fazili in a case of alleged "narrative terrorism", as per reports.
As per a statement issued by the State Investigation Agency, "The case relates to narrative terrorism wherein, as part of a criminal conspiracy to spread terrorism and create a false narrative, intended to create unrest and aid and abet the gullible youth to take the path of violence."
The Pulwama Police had arrested Shah in February for posting allegedly anti-national content on social media and he was booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Subsequently, he was taken into custody in the present case for an article published in his online magazine in 2011 that the authorities claim is "highly provocative and seditious".
The article was written by a research scholar, Abdul Aala Fazili, who was arrested on April 17 under UAPA, as informed by the police.
In a statement issued on Thursday, the State Investigation Agency claimed that the article was found to be "against national integration and supported the claim of secession of a part of the country’s territory, challenged the sovereignty and territorial integrity, glorified violence, and advocated and abetted the commission of terrorist acts".
The agency further said that Shah and Fazili had planned to publish the essay, which had escalated terrorism and illegal activity throughout Jammu and Kashmir.
The agency claimed the article's goal was to "create, sustain, and disseminate disaffection, hatred, and enmity against India" and described the accused men as "contaminated and compromised media people."
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