Raja Singh said that Munawar Faruqui insulted the comedian's mother and offended Hindus' religious feelings. In the video, he allegedly made derogatory comments about the Prophet as well.
Digital Desk: Telangana BJP MLA T Raja Singh has been arrested on Tuesday after he allegedly made remarks that were offensive to the Prophet Muhammad. After protests broke out in Hyderabad on Monday night as a result of the BJP MLA's publication of a film discussing the Prophet, a charge was filed against him.
He was detained for violating the Indian Penal Code's Sections 153a (promote hostility between groups), 295 (damage to or desecration of a place of worship with the intent to insult the religion), and 505 (public mischief).
Singh's immediate arrest was sought by the demonstrators, who said he offended the community's feelings. At the commissioner's office in Basheer Bagh, police detained the demonstrators and shifted them to other police stations.
In reaction to comedian Munawar Faruqui's performance in Hyderabad last week amid protests, the BJP MLA made a "comedy" video. Raja Singh had earlier threatened to end Faruqui's performance and declared he would set fire to the stage. Because of the threat, he was put under home arrest.
Raja Singh said that Munawar Faruqui insulted the comedian's mother and offended Hindus' religious feelings. In the video, he allegedly made derogatory comments about the Prophet as well.
The event takes place only a few months after a global controversy over a statement made about the Prophet by a former BJP spokeswoman, Nupur Sharma, erupted. The BJP suspended Nupur Sharma, and up to 10 cases were brought against her all over the nation.
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