  • Karnataka HC states love is blind and stronger than parental and societal love

    Karnataka HC states love is blind and stronger than parental and societal love

    The HC also advised the parents that there can't be a rift in the family if the parents and children love and care for each other. According to The Indian Express, the HC told the parents, "There would be no question of any child going against the parents or parents going against the children to the Court to preserve their rights."

    Digital Desk:  color:#0E101A">The High Court (HC) stated that if there is love and affection
    between the two, there cannot be a rupture in the family, and there would be no
    issue of either child or parent going to Court to preserve their rights.


    color:#0E101A">T L Nagarju had filed a 'Habeus Corpus' plea in the High Court,
    claiming that his daughter Nisarga had vanished from her engineering college
    dorm. According to The Indian Express, he said that his daughter was carried
    away forcibly by Nikhil, the driver.


    color:#0E101A">Nisarga and Nikhil then appeared before the Court, where Nisarga
    presented that she was a major by age, having been born in 2003 and had married
    Nikhil of her own accord. They married in a temple on May 13 and have been
    living together since then.


    color:#0E101A">She said she had decided in a "fit state of mind."
    and did not want to go back to living with her parents.
    The HC not only
    took down the daughter's and parents' remarks but also gave them some advice.
    "Our history demonstrates that there have been parents who sacrificed
    their lives for their children, and children who have given their lives for
    their parents," they said.


    The HC also advised the
    parents that there can't be a rift in the family if the parents and children
    love and care for each other. According to The Indian Express, the HC told the
    parents, "There would be no question of any child going against the
    parents or parents going against the children to the Court to preserve their


    color:#0E101A">"The particular events and circumstances of the current
    case illustrate that 'love is blind and a more potent weapon than the love and
    devotion of the parents, family members, and society as a whole," the
    Court stated.


    color:#0E101A">The Court went on to warn Nisarga, saying, "It is past time
    for the children to understand that life is made up of reaction, resound, and
    reflection." They will exact tomorrow what they are doing to their parents
    today." "Even according to Manusmruthi, no one can compensate his
    parents even in 100 years for all the pains they go through to give birth to
    them and raise them to adulthood," the Court ruled, quoting the


    color:#0E101A">However, the Court dismissed Nisargas fathers petition saying
    that individuals had the autonomy to make vital decisions concerning their own
    life and that parents and society should have no part in it, reported The
    Indian Express.