According to reports, during Guru Purnima last month, Chimne, a resident of Subhash Nagar and owner of a local news channel on YouTube, went to a dargah in the Takalghat neighbourhood with his wife and two daughters, ages 5 and 16.
Digital Desk: In a horrific incident, a 5-year-old girl was allegedly beaten to death by her parents while performing "black magic" on her. The incident took place on the intervening night of Friday-Saturday in Maharashtra.
The police arrested the child’s father, Siddharth Chimne, mother Ranjana, and aunt, Priya Bansod.
According to reports, during Guru Purnima last month, Chimne, a resident of Subhash Nagar and owner of a local news channel on YouTube, went to a dargah in the Takalghat neighbourhood with his wife and two daughters, ages 5 and 16.
Because he thought his younger daughter was being influenced by "evil forces," the man's behaviour toward her.
As a result, rites were carried out at night while the girl's parents and aunt recorded the entire event on video, which was later found by the police.
The girl was brutally slapped and thrashed by the three suspects in the video, allegedly causing her to lose consciousness and collapse to the ground.
Later, in the early hours of Saturday morning, the accused took the infant to the dargah before taking her to a Government Medical College and Hospital. They then fled, leaving their daughter behind.
Eventually, the girl's parents and aunt were found by the police.
It may be mentioned that legal action has been initiated into the matter and further investigation is underway.
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