• PM to launch global initiative ‘Lifestyle for Environment' Movement today

    PM to launch global initiative ‘Lifestyle for Environment' Movement today

    The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy stated in August that the country had reached a renewable energy capacity of 100 GW.

    mso-themecolor:text1">Digital Desk: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch a
    global initiative, 'Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE) Movement', via video
    conferencing on Sunday at 6 pm.

    mso-themecolor:text1">According to the PMO, the launch will kick off the
    "LiFE Global Call for Papers," which will solicit ideas and
    suggestions from academics, universities, and research institutions worldwide
    to influence and persuade individuals, communities, and organisations to adopt
    an environmentally conscious lifestyle.

    mso-themecolor:text1">During the event, the Prime Minister will offer a keynote

    mso-themecolor:text1">Bill Gates, Co-Chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates
    Foundation;  Climate Economist; author of
    Nudge Theory; Aniruddha Dasgupta,Professor Cass Sunstein,  CEO and President of the World Resources
    Institute; Lord Nicholas Stern,Inger Andersen, UNEP Global Head; Achim Steiner,
    UNDP Global Head; and David Malpass, President of the World Bank, are among
    those expected to attend the programme.

    mso-themecolor:text1">The Prime Minister proposed LiFE during the United
    Nations' 26th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow
    last year.

    mso-themecolor:text1">The concept encourages an environmentally responsible
    lifestyle that emphasises "mindful and intentional use" rather than
    "mindless and destructive consumption."

    mso-themecolor:text1">PM Modi recently presented the "P3 (Pro-Planet
    People) campaign" at the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022,
    which highlights India's climate change commitments.

    mso-themecolor:text1">He emphasised the challenges that our way of life poses
    to the environment.

    mso-themecolor:text1">"Consumerism and 'throw away' culture have
    exacerbated the climate crisis. PM further stressed the importance of quickly
    transitioning from today's 'take-make-use-dispose' economy to a circular

    mso-themecolor:text1">PM Modi said at COP 26 in Glasgow that India has set a
    target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2070.

    mso-themecolor:text1">India's Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
    (INDCs), which must be met by 2030, was also updated.

    mso-themecolor:text1">Its new pledge included growing installed renewable
    capacity to 500 GW and sourcing 50% of the country's energy from non-fossil
    fuel sources.

    mso-themecolor:text1">India made similar bold commitments at COP 21 in Paris,
    aiming to lower its economy-wide carbon intensity by 33-35 per cent by 2030,
    compared to 2005 levels.

    mso-themecolor:text1">The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy stated in August
    that the country had reached a renewable energy capacity of 100 GW.

    mso-themecolor:text1">It may be mentioned that while this is a milestone, India
    is on track to accomplishing only about two-thirds of its planned renewable
    target of 175 GW installations by 2022.

