Over Rs 20 crore in cash, along with jewellery and foreign currency, were found in Mukherjee's residence by the ED, which is looking into the scam's purported money trail.
Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) began questioning TMC MLA Manik Bhattacharya at its city office at 11 am. On Wednesday morning, Bhattacharya arrived at the Enforcement Directorate office before he was scheduled to be there for questioning for his suspected participation in the teacher recruitment scam.
At 12 noon, Bhattacharya, a lawmaker from Palashipara in the Nadia district and a former president of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, was told to appear at the ED office in the CGO building in Salt Lake, but he arrived at that location at 10 am instead.
On July 22, officials from the central agency searched Bhattacharya's home. He was then asked to appear before the central agency to answer questions. According to the sources, Partha Chatterjee, a state minister, and Arpita Mukherjee, a colleague, were transported to the ESI hospital in Joka for a checkup.
Over Rs 20 crore in cash, along with jewellery and foreign currency, were found in Mukherjee's residence by the ED, which is looking into the scam's purported money trail. They are both currently in ED custody.
When the alleged recruitment scam occurred, Chatterjee, the TMC secretary general and parliamentary affairs portfolio holder, was in charge of education. In connection with its inquiry into irregularities in the recruitment by the School Service Commission, the ED detained Chatterjee on Saturday.
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