The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has named Bhajan Lal Sharma as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan...Digital Desk: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has n...
In 2011, Amit Chaudhary visited his sister's in-laws in Baghpat when he was eighteen years old. Digital Desk: A man from the Baghpat area of Utta...
The suspension resulted from the Election Commission's opinion that such contacts, particularly with a contested candidate...Digital Desk: The Electio...
The meticulous preparations for this pivotal meeting have been orchestrated by State President CP Joshi...Digital Desk: Days after the BJP's resoundin...
Google's list of the top trending searches in India includes Chandrayaan-3 and G20, which attracted the attention of netizens.Digital Desk: Google rel...
He took a significant stand for Assam and Northeast India during the discussion of the Supplementary Deman...Digital Desk: Gaurav Gogoi, Member of Par...
The swearing-in ceremonies in both states signify the beginning of new leadership...Digital Desk: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister designate Mohan Yadav ...
The government has decided to withdraw three crucial bills aimed at replacing existing criminal laws...Digital Desk: The government has decided to wit...