The primary culprit, Mohd Sameer alias Maya, and the second accused Bilal Gani have been identified by the police. According to authorities, both accu...
Telangana leads the list of Indian states with the highest per capita income at current prices, with... Digital Desk: Telangana leads the list of I...
The Surat Crime Branch apprehended a man on Tuesday for allegedly impersonating a scientist associated with the... Digital Desk: The Surat Crime Br...
Congress supporter Anam Ali said Rahul Gandhi should focus on crime against women in states where the Congress is in power.Digital Desk: Anam Ali, a s...
When the Moon rises on the 31st, it will be at the Perigee point in its orbit, making it appear 14% bigger and brighter than all the other full Moons ...
West Bengal Chief Minister had a few days back mistaken famous Indian astronaut Rakesh Sharma as legendary Bollywood actor-director Rakesh Roshan... ...
The Enforcement Directorate filed the complaint against the officer for accepting payments from...Digital Desk: The Central Bureau of Investigati...
Cases of deaths by suicide among Indian men have increased by more than one-third in the last seven years... Digital Desk: Cases of deaths by...