In 2018, the Supreme Court knocked down a colonial-era ban on gay sex and decriminalized homosexuality... Digital Desk: BJP leader Sushil Modi h...
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi allegedly accused BJP politicians of attacking him and inciting hatred...Digital Desk: On Monday, Congress leader Rahul G...
Then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru granted him political asylum, and he has been living in McLeodganj, Himachal Pradesh, ever since... Digital Desk...
Reportedly, Pooja Singh married Lord Vishnu with complete rituals on December 8... Digital Desk: A marriage in a Jaipur village near Govindgarh...
Doctors said they were able to remove the battery from the stomach through endoscopy due to the timely intervention...Digital Desk: It is common for t...
Three women who were brokers were apprehended by the authorities, along with five men.Digital Desk: Eight people including three women were deta...
An obscene video was aired by a young man at an online meeting via Patanjali yogpeeth's app...Digital Desk: During an online meeting of Baba Ramdev's ...
According to the victim's complaint, which was submitted on Saturday, her ordeal started at 8 p.m. on December 16 and lasted until 11 a.m. on December...