Meghalaya Police, in collaboration with the administration, have begun persistent rescue operations to...
Digital Desk: The Sonapur Tunnel in Meghalaya has been closed again due to mudslides caused by incessant rain since Thursday night.
On Friday morning, the tunnel's entrance was entirely blocked. This is said to have hampered vehicular traffic on National Highway 6, which connects Silchar, Badarpur, and Shillong.
According to reports, many vehicles have become trapped on both sides of the tunnel. Following the tunnel's closure, connectivity with neighbouring states Mizoram, Manipur, and Tripura has also been severed.
Additionally, the Meghalaya Police, in collaboration with the administration, has launched a series of rescue efforts to clean up the tunnel. However, there is no certainty as to when the route will once again be accessible to traffic and the general public.
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