Digital Desk: The Union Minister for Home, Nityanand Rai in a presser, after attending the Lok Sabha session informed that a total of 665 police encounters have taken place in
Assam, consecutively in the last five years.
The Union Minister for Home Minister’s report says, 191
police encounter killings in Chhattisgarh followed by Uttar Pradesh (177) Assam (50), Jharkhand (49), Odisha (36), Jammu and Kashmir (35), Maharashtra (26), Bihar (22), Haryana (15) and Tamil Nadu (14) incidents were reported in Uttar Pradesh in the last five years.
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According to official reports, a total of 13 cases were registered from Telangana, MP, and Arunachal Pradesh, while nine and eight cases were registered in Rajasthan and Delhi respectively.
According to a report prepared by the authorities of the Assam government says that the government had
Approximately 28 people have been killed and 73 have been injured as a result of police action since May 10, 2021, the Assam government reported to the Gauhati High Court
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