The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council published a notification...
Digital Desk: As stated in a notification from the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC), out of the 20 marks allotted for project work, 12 will be evaluated internally by the relevant department or teacher, and 8 will be evaluated externally along with an internal examiner of the relevant department based on a viva voce (oral examination).
The viva voce will examine topic clarity, knowledge and understanding (5 marks), project presentation, and communication skills (3 marks). The Notification required the department head or subject teacher concerned to make the appropriate arrangements for the project report, duly certified by the guide, to be available to the external examiner concerned on the day of the viva voce.
The notification further stated that the passing score for project work will be 8 out of 20 points, while the pass mark for theory will be 24 out of 80 points. Each student must pass both the theoretical and project work evaluations on their own.
The AHSEC Notification further required the head of the institution to appoint the external examiner in consultation with the department of the relevant disciplines. It also said that the external examiners must be senior faculty members from government/provincialized higher secondary schools/colleges/universities and must be nominated by the head of the department/institution in question. The internal examiner must also be appointed by the department/head. institution's
The Notification also said that this arrangement was created based on the existing syllabus of all disciplines requiring project work.
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