Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
The recovered gold biscuits weighed about 1,660 grams and were valued at Rs 1.01 crore.
Digital Desk: Troopers
from the Assam Rifles confiscated a large amount of gold biscuits at the
Permanent Vehicle Check Checkpoint in Khudengthabi, Manipur.
According to intelligence,
Tengnoupal Battalion of Assam Rifles, under the command of HQ IGAR (South),
discovered 10 suspected gold biscuits from a commuter riding a two-wheeler at
the Khudengthabi permanent vehicle checkpoint.
The gold biscuits were
hidden in the shoe of a commuter travelling from Moreh to Imphal.
The recovered gold
biscuits weighed about 1,660 grams and were valued at Rs 1.01 crore.
The seized Gold Biscuits,
as well as the captured suspect, were turned over to the Moreh Customs
Department for additional investigation.
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