Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
According to initial reports, the fire quickly reached the populous community, leaving residents fearful for their lives and property.
Digital Desk: Residents
of Jonaki Nagar in Panikhaiti, on the outskirts of Guwahati, were terrified
after a massive forest fire broke out on Tuesday.
According to sources, the
fire started near the Panikhaiti railway station at the foot of Jonaki Nagar.
Soon after it started, the fire swiftly devoured a considerable amount of the
forest cover.
The residents of Jonaki
Nagar began to fear as the fire quickly spread and began to approach the
adjoining community.
Jonaki Nagar, a crowded
community, is near to the region where the fire first broke out, causing the
people to fear.
According to initial
reports, the fire quickly reached the populous community, leaving residents
fearful for their lives and property.
Furthermore, the fire brigade did not respond quickly to the incident.
According to reports, the flames were eventually put out by residents.
Another big fire destroyed seven business establishments in Assam's
Nalbari district yesterday.
On Monday night, a fire was reported from a market area in Mukalmua's
Rampur. The inferno is thought to have started from a hotel called 'Bhaiti
Cabin,' according to residents.
According to Rampur residents, the fire destroyed buildings worth crores
of rupees. They further said that the roaring inferno destroyed at least seven
businesses, including a restaurant, pharmacy, hardware store, book booths,
and stationery shops.
Meanwhile, firefighting workers and police officers came on the scene
after being notified of the issue. As of now, the fire is under control.
Fortunately, no casualties or deaths have been reported as a result of the
"Around seven business establishments and shops were gutted in the
massive fire," a Rampur resident claimed of the event. We believe the fire
started as a result of a short circuit at the 'Bhaiti Cabin' hotel. It
subsequently spread to surrounding businesses, destroying two pharmacies, a
hardware store, a bookstore, and a retail store."
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