Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
According to him, the fire destroyed approximately 260 kutcha dwellings built of thatch.
Digital Desk: A large fire
broke out at the Burma Camp in Nagaland's Dimapur district on Sunday, killing a
woman and displacing over 900 people, an official said.
He stated the fire started at approximately 12 p.m. in the East Block of Burma Camp.
According to him, the fire
destroyed approximately 260 kutcha dwellings built of thatch.
In the fire, a woman in her
70s was burnt to death, and several others were injured. According to the
source, several firemen were also hurt in the blaze as many gas
cylinders exploded.
The fire displaced
approximately 900 people, most of whom were laborers, he added, adding that
the origin of the fire is yet unknown.
Locals reported that other
persons were also missing.
Fire tenders from
Chumukedima, Dimapur, and Central fire stations were dispatched to combat the
inferno, which the official estimated might be controlled in three
Properties worth lakhs of rupees
were destroyed, according to an East Block Gaon Burah, who added that the
actual losses would be determined only after a thorough evaluation.
A fire destroyed the same
region in 2011, killing three individuals.
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